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Canton officials ask finance board to reconsider plan for riverfront property purchase

By John Fitts

Staff Writer

CANTON – The Board of Selectmen voted Wednesday evening to formally request that the town’s finance board reconsider a plan to purchase a riverfront parcel that would provide both public river access and parking.

Selectmen previously referred the matter to the Board of Finance – hoping to set a Town Meeting at which voters could potentially approve the plan. However, the finance board failed to pass the measure – deadlocking with a 3-3 vote after some its members raised concerns about the details of the plan.

Specifically, the town has the option to purchase 37 Bridge Street in Collinsville from the state Department of Transportation for $125,000. The 2.25-acre parcel at 37 Bridge St. includes most of the parking lot adjacent to 41 Bridge Street – where Bridge Street Live, the Collinsville Artisan Co-Op, Blumen Laden and others operate – and a portion of land along the riverbank behind 39 Bridge Street, where Collinsville Canoe and Kayak operates. It also includes roughly half of the paved boat launch area. The adjacent parcels at 39 and 41 Bridge St. are both owned by Waterfront Preservation and Management Corp.

Under the current plan the town, after purchasing 37 Bridge St., would convey a portion closest to 41 Bridge Street – used largely for access and parking - to owners there, in exchange for the privately owned portion of the existing boat ramp. A “spur” in 37 Bridge parcel – leftover from rail-bed configuration – would also be conveyed to the 39 Bridge Street parcel.

Cross easements would then allow the public to “permanently” access the town-owned parking area and ramp – and the area needed to navigate back and forth, while also allowing the owners of Collinsville Canoe and Kayak to also continue utilizing the boat ramp, officials said.

On March 30, the Board of Selectmen voted to forward the $160,000 plan – which includes the property, as well as guardrail and signage to separate and denote public areas – to the Board of Finance.

At the finance board’s April 18 meeting, however, some members objected to conveying the area near 41 Bridge Street to the building’s owners.

Board of Finance member Tom Blatchley said he favored the town purchasing 37 Bridge St., but spoke strongly against the plan, saying the town was giving away too much valuable land, potentially landlocking what it would own in the event of easement issues, and gifting too much to a private business. He said the town, instead, should lease the parking area to the owners of 41 Bridge St., similar to what the state has done for so many years. He also said the exchange of the spur for a portion of the boat ramp was a fair trade and said the town is in a strong position to negotiate a better deal.

“The benefit here is to 41 and 39 and it’s a massive windfall and I’m very hesitant and reluctant to give up ownership. Certainly, we could work out any type of arrangement for 39 and 41 – for access and parking – but I don’t understand why we should give up real property,” he said at one point during a long discussion that evening. “What’s the benefit to the town? We get access? We already have access.”

Town officials, however, contended there was more than meets the eye when it comes to the plan, noting, for example that the public benefits in ways beyond those parts of the parcel. For example, officials have emphasized that the public would retain the right to cross over a large section of the private property between the parking area and the boat launch.

While the state first approached the town in the Spring of 2019, it was June of 2021, after approval of six state agencies, that it formally offered to sell 37 Bridge to the town for $125,000.

In late summer of 2021, town officials formally reached out to abutters, according to town documents, which acknowledge there were several concerns about lease agreements for the land, property values, logistics, security, and delineation of public and private areas.

Potential overcrowding and negative effects on the daily Collinsville Canoe and Kayak operation were also noted (Officials have acknowledged ongoing concerns from that business).

A previous plan for the parcel would have retained more land for the town and further easements but selectmen had concerns about some of the details, the complexity of it and potential impacts to businesses.

Advocates say the current plan would also put that parking area back on the tax rolls and avoid potentially issues over who can utilize parking immediately adjacent to 41 Bridge.

At the April 18 Board of Finance meeting, Chief Administrative Officer Robert Skinner referenced the planned ADA accessible the town is working on upriver at the public works site. As part of the town’s plan, – approved by the Board of Finance in December and town meeting in January - $340,000 was set aside for an ADA accessible ramp at 50 Old River Road near the Public Works facility.

“To give you an example of the value of that boat ramp - for us to build a boat ramp over by the DPW facility, the estimate is about [$340,000],” Skinner said at the April 18 meeting.

First Selectman Bob Bessel has said that river access, parking and ensuring the local businesses were not negatively affected have been the objectives of the Board of Selectmen - and the River Access Subcommittee – from the very beginning.

“We saw a lot of value in conveying [the 41 Bridge parking area] over to them so that it would maintain value for their piece of property, for the eventual conveyance of that property to some other owner and also eliminate the strenuous objections that they raised to us having this property and doing some kind of lease arrangement or even an easement,” Bessel said April 18 BOF meeting. “When we presented it to them was accepted wholeheartedly. We didn’t see any value to the town in having that piece of property. The real value to us was parking, which we get in the back, and river access, which we have by fully owning the boat ramp.”

Other Board of Finance members also expressed concerns with the plan. Andrew Lavery asked several questions, supported the concept of the town purchase but also noted concerns over the plan.

“My issue with it wasn’t should the town spend the money – can the town afford the money? I think we can afford the money,” he said. “It’s just I’m not on board with spending the money and then turning around and giving part of the land to a private property owner, essentially buying the land for them. I don’t think that’s a good use of taxpayer funds.”

Finance board member Sarah Faulkner also had reservations about such a “gift” to 41 Bridge St., and expressed disappointment that the plan did not include another easement for additional riverfront property for a potential walkway.

“On the River Access Committee, we had talked about talking to the owners of 41 Bridge for an easement along the river all the way to Route 179… so if we wanted to put in a walkway all along the river corridor, we could do that,” Faulkner said. “I would suggest that that be part of the mix for negotiation. … That, in my mind, would help offset giving them ownership of the driveway coming in.”

Finance board chairman Ken Humphrey also said he saw a lot of value in the boat ramp and noted the long, complex negotiations the town has been involved with.

“I understand we’re having a value change here,” he said. “I understand what everyone is sating but it has to do with value of that square footage and where it’s sitting… and what the town is saying … the boat ramp has equal value that the parking does over at 41.”

BOF member Katie Kenney also raised some concerns but she and Faulkner – the only two Democrats on the Board – joined Humphrey in voting for the plan, expressing concerns that a delay could potentially jeopardize the town’s plans to purchase the property and risk it being put up for bid.

Finance Board member Andrew Ziemba joined Lavery and Blatchley in voting against the plan.

The finance board wasn’t the only entity that raised some objections.

The owners of Collinsville Canoe and Kayak have also expressed concerns about the idea of the boat ramp becoming public and the way that might affect the business operation.

While the Planning and Zoning Commission on April 20 voted in favor of a referral needed for a purchase it came with “the recommendation that the property be kept in whole by the Town of Canton and private businesses may utilize the property for an associated fee.”

Blatchley also spoke again at the April 27 Board of Selectmen meeting and emphasized his previous points and emphasized that the town is working on access at 50 Old River Road near the public works site.

“I don’t think we need two access points what I do think we need is more parking in Collinsville what I do think we need is more transparency and to save our taxpayers dollars and buying land to just turn around and give it to private interests isn’t in the best interest of taxpayers and I don’t think it serves the town well, said Blatchley. Later, he and Bessel briefly exchanged some tense words during the meeting outside of the public comment – about potential solitons and whether the town had been forthcoming in talking about the planned near the Public Works site.

Selectmen, however, at that April 27 meeting stood by the plan and voted to ask the Board of Finance to reconsider the plan, which it is slated to do the evening of May 2.

Bessel talked about the options and reiterated points about the “delicate” negotiations and pointed out that the owners of 41 Bridge St. feels they have worked with the town, offering parking, access and giving up land – without compensation - for the Farmington River Trail that runs alongside their properties.

Selectmen also noted their reluctance to another idea of purchasing the land and figuring out the details later, contending that the public would not go along with a plan to purchase the property without immediate river access.

Selectmen acknowledged that the state doesn’t seem to be putting pressure on the town for an immediate decision, but members reiterated their feelings that the boat ramp ownership was a valuable commodity, and their feeling that the arrangement was a good one for everyone and that the issue should go to the voters at town meeting.

“I would hope that the Board of Finance would reconsider the proposal as we presented it and think about it a little more and present it to the town and let the residents decide,” said Selectman Bill Volovski. “For all the time I’ve been on the board, every year that we put out requests for comments on the capital improvement plan, what we should be spending town money on. Every year the issue of river access comes up. …We’ve gotten a lot of interest from people in town that want to take more advantage of the river. I hate to ever characterize things as a once in a lifetime opportunity, but this is as close as you get. For the purchase price of this property to have 6- or 700 feet of river frontage in downtown Collinsville at that kind reasonable cost it is like a once in a lifetime opportunity for the town. And, like it said, I think it fulfills a lot of goals that we have for both river access and parking. It does it in such a way that we’re being very sensitive to the needs of the abutting businesses. We don’t want to hurt those businesses in any way and like I said, I think this was very well negotiated by Mr. Skinner and Mr. Bessel. It was obviously a very delicate situation. …. I would hope that the BOF would reconsider their decision and put forward for a town meeting and let the residents decide.”

Even if the 37 Bridge Street plan does move forward, free public river access might be at least several months away. The plan would require some final plans, paperwork and state review and officials estimate it would be several month’s time to schedule a closing.

Meanwhile, work continues on the other potential access.

Triton Environmental is currently working to finalize draft plans – based on initial review and suggestions from the River Access Committee – for the ARPA funded accessible ramp at the 50 Old River Road site. However, several additional steps are needed in that process, including some level of review and/or permitting by town boards, commissions and agencies, as well as the state department of Energy and Environmental Protection and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Town officials have expressed some hope that the process could be finished this year but have acknowledged that access at that site is more likely to come in 2023.

This rendering shows the 37 Bridge Street property and some of the proposed conveyances and easements. Note it is not a final, scaled plan.

These cones represent the lot lines at 37 Bridge St. along the Farmington River.

Valley Happenings

Hall High School’s 67th Pops 'n Jazz Extravaganza Returns to the Stage on March 21st

WEST HARTFORD, CT, February 20, 2025 – Come enjoy Hall High School's acclaimed jazz bands, singers, and dancers, as they shine in the 67th annual production of Pops 'n Jazz, a classic West Hartford institution. This year’s extravaganza gleams with a golden glow, reflecting on the past while looking toward the future. In a Sentimental Mood offers treasured melodies, shimmering brass, and sparkling polished jazz standards. Paying tribute to the golden age of jazz, the show celebrates its timeless charm through an unforgettable evening of music. This year’s show promises an unforgettable night filled with music that glows as brilliantly as ever. The performances begin on March 21, with additional evening shows on March 22, 27, 28, and 29. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. each night, and the curtain rises at 7:00 p.m. Pops 'n Jazz will also offer an abridged, family-friendly matinee on Sunday, March 23, at 1:00 p.m. This 50-minute performance will highlight select moments from the evening shows.

Tastes of the Valley

The Rotary of Avon-Canton hosts  Tastes of the Valley, a wine and food festival, on Saturday March 29  at the Farmington Gardens at 999 Farmington Avenue in Farmington. The main event starts at 6:30 p.m. with tickets costing $75 per person. Singer and DJ Michael Nigretti will headline the event for the second year. The number of food and wine/liquor vendors is growing and will likely exceed previous years. Sponsorships, starting at $500, are available with an early exclusive premier starting at 6 p.m. Sponsor registration and tickets can be purchased at:


Tunxis Ladies 9-Hole Golf League

FARMINGTON – The Tunxis Ladies 9-Hole Golf League is getting ready to start its 2025 season. The league plays 9 holes on Thursday mornings at Tunxis County Club in Farmington. The season starts in early May and runs until mid-October. For more information, visit or the league’s Facebook page: To join the group, contact Jaye O’Leary (860) 202-0957 or Laurie Sinder (860) 416-6633 or

Simsbury 250th Celebration Committee            seeks volunteer chair

SIMSBURY – The Simsbury 250th Celebration Committee is seeking a volunteer to chair Programs and Events, the most important subcommittee of its town-wide group formed to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The 250th committee consists of representatives from various community groups.

     The chairperson of the Program and Events Subcommittee will work with this group and other communities, and they will coordinate with the America 250 | CT Commission, to develop a schedule of activities leading up to the closing event on July 4, 2026. Interested candidates should contact Tony Braz, president of the Simsbury Historical Society, via email at to discuss this volunteer opportunity in more detail.


Easy Care Roses at Home

CANTON – The Cherry Brook Garden Club is hosting a lecture by Marci Martin on “Easy Care Roses for the Home Garden” on Tuesday, March 11, at 11 a.m. at the Canton Community Center, lower level, 40 Dyer Avenue.  The lecture is open to the public. There is a $5 guest fee for non-members.  Email questions to

Sleep Tips with Dr. Wendy Hurwitz

SIMSBURY – Come learn about tips to improve sleep and restorative rest from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11 at Simsbury Public Library, 725 Hopmeadow St. For more information or to register: call the library at: (860) 658-7663 or online at:

Georgia Hunter author event

SIMSBURY – The Friends of the Simsbury Public Library will host New York Times bestselling author Georgia Hunter on Wednesday, March 26 from 6:30-8 p.m. in the Friends program room to discuss One Good Thing, her soon-to-be published historical novel which gives a fascinating glimpse into a piece of WWII history not many know about. Set in Mussolini’s, Italy the novel tells the story of two best friends who are Jewish, and the courageous journey one of them must take in order to save herself and her friend’s baby from the invading Nazis. A remarkable tale of friendship, motherhood, and survival, One Good Thing is a tender reminder that love for another person, even amidst darkness and uncertainty, can be reason to keep going.

Register by March 24 at via the Event Calendar Call the library at (860) 658-7663 with questions.


Tunxis Senior Citizens Association

FARMINGTON – The Tunxis Senior Citizens Association is pleased to announce the first monthly meeting of 2025. It will be held on Monday, March 10, beginning at 1:30 p.m., with a short business meeting followed by a music program at 1:45pm and ending with refreshments. The entertainment will be Ashley Cruz. Her performances include a blend of Broadway, French, Spanish, Italian and a touch of Jazz in Cabaret style.

The club will also honor our Life Members and would like to thank the Farmington Community Chest for their many years of support. For more information, call 860-675-2490.


At the Farmington Libraries

FARMINGTON – The following programs are offered by The Farmington Libraries. Except where noted, programs take place at the Farmington Library, 6 Monteith Drive. Register for programs at

• New England UFOs. Wednesday, March 5 at 6 p.m. Join Ronny LeBlanc star of Expedition Bigfoot and Paranormal Caught on Camera at the for New England UFOs. Register to attend

• Learn to Play Lorcana. Thursday, March 6 at 6 p.m.  Register to let us know you’re attending.

• Pots With Pizzazz. March 10, 12:30 p.m.

Learn how to brighten shady spots of your garden with pops of color, create focal points for vistas and welcoming entries.

• Puppies and Pie Day. Thursday, March 13 at 5:30 p.m. Registration required.

• Maker Fair. Sunday, March 23 1– 4 p.m. No registration required.


Used book sale

AVON – A huge book sale will be held Feb. 28 and March 1 in St. Ann’s Church Hall, 289 Arch Road at Route 167.  Hours are Friday, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. ($5 adult admission) and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (no admission fee).  Most books will be $3 or less with vintage and specialty books priced higher.

Ballet Hartford local events

FARMINGTON – Ballet Hartford invites audiences to experience a captivating Spring season, including the following shows at the Hill-Stead Museum in Farmington:

• Saturday, March 15, 2-3 p.m. Family Day. An interactive Sleeping Beauty ballet program for children ages 5-12 years with professional dancers. $15 per child; Accompanying adults are free.

• Sunday, March 30, 3 to 4 p.m. Behind the Ballet. A behind-the-scenes experience featuring the making of Mozart Sonata for Two Pianos.

Tickets: $30 Adult; $20 Student (with Valid ID); $20 Child 12+under. For tickets and more information on these and other shows, visit


Canton Health Fund Grants

CANTON – Canton Community Health Fund, Inc. (CCHF), opens its grant and scholarship application season on March 1. CCHF encourages State of CT certified non-profits serving the Canton community to apply for Community Partner grants. In addition, graduating high school seniors seeking higher education in healthcare or public safety are invited to apply for either a Dr. Diters Legacy Scholarship or a Pay It Forward Scholarship. Applications and informative Fact Sheets, detailing qualifications, requirements, deadlines, etc. for grants and both scholarships, are available online at  Awards will be announced in June/2025.


Word Art at Gallery on the Green

CANTON – Gallery on the Green presents “Word Art” plus Solo Shows by Renée and Patrick Hughes and Peggy Stosz Friday, March 21 through Saturday, April 19.

“Word Art” is a biennial Gallery tradition since 2003.  Writers and artists collaborate to explore the synergy between the visual and written arts.. On Saturday, March 22 there will be a reception with refreshments from 6-8pm. On Saturday, April 5 from 7 to 10 pm authors will read aloud their writing as viewers contemplate art that it reflected or inspired.

In the Upstairs Gallery are two shows. In “Artifact of Process” Renée and Patrick Hughes offer a duet of abstraction. The gallery is located near the intersection of Dowd Avenue and Route 44 at 5 Canton Green Road. Hours are Friday – Sunday, 1-5 pm.; 860-693-4102

Community Fund Grants in Canton

HARTFORD/CANTON – Whether serving children or adults, athletes or artists, nature lovers or history buffs, nonprofit organizations are invited to apply for grants ranging from $250 to $10,000, seeking full funding for a need or partial funding. The Canton Community Fund will offer grants to Canton-based nonprofit groups or individuals who are working under the umbrella of an existing nonprofit as their fiscal agent. The application period will remain open until March 15, 2025 at 5 p.m. Grant awards will be announced in early June. To learn more, go to: Email questions to

‘Bring Back the Pollinators’

AVON – The Garden Club of Avon is pleased to announce an engaging presentation by Lisa Newell, titled “Bring Back the Pollinators”, to be held on Monday, March 10 at the Church of St. Ann, Father Bennett Hall, located at 289 Arch Road. The day’s events will begin with the Member Meeting at 11:30 a.m., followed by a light lunch at noon, the presentation will start promptly at 1:00 PM. This event is open to all, and guests are welcome to attend. Reservations are required. The guest fee is $15, payable at the door by cash or check. To reserve your spot or for more information, contact Linda Mierzejewski at


Corned Beef Dinner

CANTON – North Canton Community Methodist Church, 3 Case St., North Canton,  will hold its annual St. Patrick’s Dinner March 14. The popular dinner, prepared by chef Ken Triou, will feature corned beef with mustard sauce, potatoes, cabbage and carrots, and homemade soda bread. Heavenly homemade desserts. Dinner cost is $17 for adults, $15 for seniors.

Bach Birthday Bash

AVON – Music at Greenwood will commence its 2025 concert season with an all-Bach program, in celebration of the great composer’s 340th birthday. Various instruments and ensembles, both traditional and unconventional, will play a selection of J.S. Bach’s music. Join us on Saturday, March 22, at 4 p.m. at St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 224 Lovely Street, Avon. Suggested donation: $10. A reception of cake and appetizers will follow the concert. For more information about upcoming events, visit us online at


Farmington Library Book Donations

FARMINGTON – The Friends of the Farmington Libraries are in need of donations of gently used books to support an upcoming sale in June, as well as ongoing sales in the library’s Book Nook. Adult and children’s books, hardcover and paperback, fiction and non-fiction, in excellent condition are appreciated. Games, puzzles and unique vintage books that are clean and intact are also needed.  Donations can be brought to the circulation desk at the main Farmington Library at 6 Monteith Drive. Please note that the Friends cannot accept books or other items in poor condition. VHS tapes, encyclopedias, magazines, Reader’s Digest condensed books, travel guides, books on finance or health dated prior to 2019 also cannot be accepted.


TABLESCAPES fundraiser

AVON – The Avon Historical Society invites the public to its sixth TABLESCAPES event showcasing up to 30 creative and original table settings on Friday, March 14 and Saturday, March 15 at the historic North House, 1 Nod Road, Avon.  Tickets, are $20 each pre-sale and at the door. Purchase in advance at or by calling Mary Harrop at 860-670-3225 before March 8. Those interested in sponsorship opportunities can also call Harrop.

Avon Free Public Library events

AVON –The following events are scheduled at Avon Free Public Library. The library is at Avon Library, 281 Country Club Road, Avon. All programs are in person except where noted. For more information on adult programs, contact 860-673-9712 x 7203. Registration required where noted.

• The Golden Age of Hollywood. (Virtual Event) Tuesday, March 4 at 2 pm.

• Meditation for Stress Relief (Virtual Event). Thursday, March 6 at 7 p.m.

• History of Beauty & Cosmetics (Virtuak Event) Tuesday, March 11 at 2 p.m.

• Morning Book ClubWednesday, March 5 at 10:30 a.m. Friends and Strangers by J. Courtney Sullivan. Registration is required:

• Landscapes for the Common Good: The Olmsted Heritage in Connecticut. Monday, March 17, 6:30 p.m. Registration is required:

• Spring Into Health! March 27, 2 p.m. Registration required:

• Silent Book Club. Monday, March 31, 6 p.m. For adults, teens in Grades 11 and up. Registration  required:’

Artist demonstration, workshop

AVON – Avon Arts Association will host guest artist Diana Lyn Coté on Tuesday, March 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the Avon Town Hall, 60 Main St., Avon.  The demo is free and open to the public ($5 suggested donation). A workshop will be held at the same location in the Avon Room on Saturday, March 22, 10-2 with set up at 9:30. Fee: $45 for members, $55 for nonmembers. For more info,


Echoes of America

SIMSBURY – The Simsbury Community Band presents “Echoes of America” – a concert celebrating the rich musical legacy of American composers! Featuring Americana-inspired pieces including songs by John Williams and Alfred Reed, this performance will take you on a journey through the sounds that define our nation.

Join us March 30 at 3:00pm at the Covenant Presbyterian Church (124 Old Farms Rd) in Simsbury. Free admission!


Rotary scholarship

ROTARY DISTRICT 7890 (Northern CT and Western MA) is inviting applications from qualified candidates for a $30,000 scholarship to study at the master’s level outside USA in a Rotary country in one of Rotary’s Areas of Focus. Candidates must have permanent residency in one of the towns covered by the Rotary District 7890. Eligibility criteria and the Application are available at RotaryDistrict7890.Org under DUNN Endowed Scholarship. Deadline for application: May . Questions may be directed to or


Simsbury Lions Club seeks volunteers

SIMSBURY – The Simsbury Lions Club is looking for people interested in volunteering and contributing to better the town. If interested,  contact Sandy Kremer at or Philip Painchaud at”


Avon Community Fund Issues Another Open Call for Grant Proposals

AVON –  The Avon Greater Together Community Fund at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving is pleased to announce its fourth open call for grant applications proposing projects to benefit the residents of Avon, with the overall goal to encourage broad and inclusive civic engagement. Each applying organization may only submit one proposal requesting a minimum of $1,000. Project applications will be accepted until Monday, March 17, 2025.

Any nonprofit registered as a 501(c)(3) organization that serves the residents of Avon is eligible to apply. Groups of town residents, that do not have 501c3 status, may prepare an application in partnership with a registered nonprofit that has agreed to serve as a fiscal agent for the proposed project. Nonprofits do not need to be based in Avon, however, must submit a proposal that benefits persons working or residing in Avon.

For more details and how to apply, visit: For questions, email the Avon Greater Together Community Fund Committee at

Miss Porter’s School Launches Daisy Days

FARMINGTON – Miss Porter’s School, is excited to announce the launch of Daisy Days, an all-new day camp for girls entering grades 3-5 this fall. Starting this summer, Daisy Days will offer a unique, joy-filled experience designed to spark creativity, build confidence, and inspire self-discovery in an empowering all-girls environment.

For additional details, families interested in learning more, signing up for an Information Session, or getting access to early bird registration for their campers can visit

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